In any company, recruitment is a vital part of its processes. As cliché as it may sound, employees are the lifeblood of a company. For a company to run like a well-oiled machine, they have to have a great set of employees that has the set of skills which would help them achieve their objectives and goals.
However, in this day and age, the recruitment landscape has definitely changed. From the traditional paper resume and walk-in interviews, the advent of technology like social media has introduced mobile sourcing, social recruiting, text messaging, and video recruiting.
Mobile sourcing is a term to define the manner of recruiting through mobile devices such as phones and tablets. This is not just about contacting potential candidates but also maintaining and engaging relationships between the recruiter and the job seeker. Mobile sourcing can come in the form of mobile optimised websites and company-made apps. What mobile sourcing does for recruitment is reach and relevancy. Recruiters are able to streamline their recruitment process and observe the numbers that dictate the changes in behaviour of the pool of potential candidates.
On the other hand, social recruiting is about the usage of social networking sites as a platform for job postings and processing of job applications. Websites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ have grown to be great channels to create an amazing pool of candidates. The main attraction for social recruiting is the real-time updates it can give to potential applicants. Although social recruiting makes it easy for recruiters, it’s just the part of the applicant’s journey. Human connection is still important to keep them engaged and to introduce them to the company’s brand, culture, mission and vision.
In this infographic provided by ThisWay Global, be informed with the different recruitment trends, and analyze the numbers and figures that would spell the difference in the recruitment industry all over the world this 2017.
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