4 Practical Ways HR Can Prioritize Holistic Well-Being in the Workplace

As our understanding of mental health continues to grow and evolve, so does our thinking around employee well-being.  In the past, well-being was pretty much only about physical health, but now, we understand that it

2025-01-14T09:41:02+00:00By |Workplace happiness|

How to Answer Conflict Interview Questions: Examples & Samples

An interview for a new role allows you to display your experience, aptitudes, and capabilities. Interview questions can be cumbersome, especially conflict questions. With the proper training, you’ll understand how to answer these questions

2024-12-23T12:28:36+00:00By |Workplace happiness|

HR Strategies for Using Office Amenities to Reduce Workplace Stress

Creating a productive work environment is vital to any successful organization in today's competitive working landscape.  From essential items to modern conveniences, the right amenities can profoundly influence how employees feel and perform. So, office

2024-11-29T15:35:27+00:00By |Workplace happiness|

Why Employee Happiness Metrics Should Be Part of Your Retention Strategy

Employee retention remains a top priority for companies worldwide. Turnover costs add up quickly, and hiring new talent doesn’t just hit the budget hard, it disrupts team dynamics and slows down productivity.  As HR managers

2024-11-15T13:01:56+00:00By |Workplace happiness|

Why a Diverse Workplace Matters: Fostering Inclusion and Creativity

Introduction to Workplace Diversity Diversity in the workplace refers to differences among an organization's employees. These differences encompass race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, and many other variations. Creating

2024-10-24T10:12:20+00:00By |Workplace happiness|
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