How A.I. Can Change HR, Preparing For Intelligent Technologies In Your Workplace, Work-From-Home Stats And Learning To Appreciate Disagreement At Work #FridayFinds

Focused mainly on disruptive technologies in HR, this week's #FridayFinds edition brings you the most shared and talked about articles: Reid Hoffman: A.I. Is Going to Change Everything About Managing Teams The HR industry is

2024-07-09T08:39:54+00:00By |Friday Finds|

The Solution To The Skills Gap, A.I. And Employee Feedback, Creating An Introvert-Friendly Workplace And The Difference Between Recognition And Rewards #FridayFinds

Great articles make our week so much more productive. We can only thank the writers and companies putting together inspirational and helpful content. Sharing it is our way of doing just that. Here are

2024-02-06T10:52:08+00:00By |Friday Finds|

Learning And Leadership For Business Agility, Low Office Productivity, A Look Into Facebook’s Go-To Management Manual And Overcoming Resistance To Change #FridayFinds

Welcome to a new edition of #FridayFinds, where we talk about some of this week's best articles in HR and business. Let's dive right in: Rethinking Agile: Learning And Leadership For Business Agility At

2022-11-30T14:15:29+00:00By |Friday Finds|

What Makes Leaders Who They Are, Why Are Men Leaving The Workforce, Is The Era Of Full-Time Work Over And What Is The Future Of Talent Acquisition About? #FridayFinds

“When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn't matter whether it is Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your

2022-11-30T12:13:03+00:00By |Friday Finds|

A.I. Will Tell You What Your Employees Think, Employment Branding Done Right, The Gender Gap In Feedback And Self-Perception And Motivating Employees With Pizza And Compliments #FridayFinds

As Labor Day approaches and everyone gets back from vacation, productivity seems to be top-of-mind for both employees and managers alike. This edition of #FridayFinds will help you re-connect with the pulse of the

2022-11-30T11:55:24+00:00By |Friday Finds|

Double Your Employee Loyalty, The Dark Side Of High Engagement, Tech Tools Keep Employees Happy And The Perfect Amount Of Time To Work Each Day #FridayFinds

Welcome to yet another edition of  #FridayFinds, the weekly wrap-up of our favorite reads. Here are this week's best, most talked about articles in HR and Employee Engagement: Want to Double Your Employee Loyalty?

2022-11-30T11:04:35+00:00By |Friday Finds|

Engagement Pitfalls To Avoid, The Common Sense Guide To Employee Engagement, Should People Over 40 Work Less, And The 3 Signs Of A Super Employee #FridayFinds

This week's #FridayFinds edition brings you back to the basics of employee engagement. You'll also find out how to spot top employees and why employees over 40 should be working less hours. Here are

2022-11-30T10:48:08+00:00By |Friday Finds|

What Makes People Feel Upbeat At Work, GE Giving Up Employee Ratings, The World’s Most Productive Countries And Saas Vs. Paas #FridayFinds

Welcome to a new edition of #FridayFinds, our weekly HR & Employee Engagement round-up with the best and most talked-about articles. This week we’re looking at some new research on positive work environments and

2022-11-30T10:21:41+00:00By |Friday Finds|

Staying Productive During The Summer Slump, Where You Sit In Your Office Impacts Your Productivity, Taking Work Stress Home And 13 Tools To Help Stress Management #FridayFinds

For those experiencing a hot, torrid summer, the workplace might not be the greatest place to be, as we can see in some of the stats in this infographic by Grasshopper. If you've already

2022-11-30T10:07:27+00:00By |Friday Finds|

Why Purpose-Led Businesses Succeed, Hire The Right Managers, How Anxiety Affects CEO Decision Making And Pushing Past Perfectionism #FridayFinds

Fridays are great for learning and catching up with industry news right before you go off to enjoy an amazing weekend, am I right? Put  a pause on Pokémon Go for a couple of

2022-11-30T09:42:24+00:00By |Friday Finds|
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