For the majority of Americans, their jobs are the single-biggest source of stress in their lives. Whether they are having trouble managing their workload, maintaining their work-life balance, feeling secure in their positions, or coping with difficult co-workers, many people go to work every day feeling on edge. This stress can lead to people taking time off work, quitting their jobs, or even suffering physical consequences like heart attacks or migraine headaches.

For employers, a stressed workplace can mean low morale among employees, lost productivity and difficulty attracting new employees. It has been estimated that job stress costs American businesses upward of $300 billion every year in lost productivity. In short, creating a less-stressful workplace is in an employer’s best interest from a practical standpoint as well as a human standpoint.

Although the problem is serious, the good news is that the solution for employers can be simple. While there are certainly some elaborate ways to create a more stress-free workplace — including regular staff parties or hiring massage therapists for the break room — relieving your employees’ stress doesn’t have to be a full-time job.

Stress happens when we feel overwhelmed or irritated by annoyances that don’t seem to end, so even something as simple as encouraging employees to take a 15-minute break can be extremely helpful in reducing the stress level in your workplace.

As an employer, there are numerous strategies you can try to help your employees feel less stressed and boost their morale. Many of these things are as easy as encouraging tiny breaks throughout the day or keeping your office door open to encourage an ongoing dialogue.

The following guide should provide you with some inspiration as you try to make your workplace less stressful for your employees. Whether you lead a regular office meditation session, introduce flexible work schedules, or provide some healthy snacks in your break room, you can cut down on the amount of stress your employees experience every day. You’ll not only help them feel better about their jobs, but you’ll also put them in a better position to do their best work for your organization.

10 ways to destress your employees infographic from The Jacobson Group

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