great leader

Being a leader does not only apply to the workplace. I’ve learned this the hard way. If you really want to succeed in life, you need to be a leader. With leadership in your arsenal, you will be successful, well-respected, and inspiring person to everyone you meet in life. This is what will get you at the top in your career and personal life as long as you keep learning and building this skill.

I wish I knew this when I was in college. The things that make great leader aren’t taught in a course, but you’re best off developing this essential skill as soon as possible. Still, even if you haven’t learned what makes a good leader by now, it’s never too late to develop this skill. In fact, you can start right now.

1.Become an Example

People follow the person who sets an example. To be a leader, you need to be the person people will strive to be. You must make them your fans and make yourself their idol. 

This is not easy. To become an example, you need more than just a degree, some basic leadership skills, or luck. Becoming a great leader is based on effort and understanding.

If you want to be perceived as leader, you need to show, not just tell. It doesn’t suffice to tell people what to do – you have to follow your own rules, too. If you want people to be punctual, you need to get there on time, too. If you want them to finish their tasks within the deadline, you can’t be procrastinating and missing theirs.  

2.Know Your Limits

No one is perfect. When I started climbing the career ladder and reached a spot I strived to get, I let it consume me. I thought that no one is the wiser. Having the power can make you feel like there’s nothing you can do. 

But, there will come a point where you won’t be able to do something. At this point, you will have to accept that you have your limits. Everyone does.  

This is the time to get help. Great leader don’t just do the work on their own. They delegate the work they can’t manage to complete in time, or can’t do. No one knows everything.  

As a leader, I’ve had my fair share of troubles with the written communication. I had to write reports and e-mails and since I was persistent that I’m always right, it almost cost me my job. No leader should send out poorly written messages. 

That’s when I accepted my lack of knowledge in this field and hired EduBirdie to do my written work. I did not diminish my work, but I did the best thing to boost my performance. That’s what delegating is all about.


Leading by example includes other things, too. To be perceived as a great leader, you must show your people that you’re one of them. You can’t just talk without listening to them. People will follow a leader, but not if they feel like they have no say in anything. In leadership, communication is key.

Effective communication is essential for any company or organization. To make sure that you’re actually understood and not just heard, you need to learn the importance of listening. 

As soon as you learn to communicate, really communicate, you’ll possess one of the most important qualities of a good leader. This will form a strong connection with the people you lead, therefore allowing you to share your goals and include them in their completion.

People who feel included are more eager to help out a leader. They are more likely to follow you and not abandon you. To you, their insight can prove to be very useful, too. 

I have learned that a leader never stands alone. No person can see a thing from all perspectives, think of all the great ideas, or find a solution to anything. If you want to be a leader, you have to listen and communicate. You never know where a great idea might come from. Leading people properly can give you answers to questions you can’t find on your own.


As soon as you accept and master these three things, you will learn to become a great leader. The path to get you there is not easy, but nothing great in life comes easy, does it?

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