How’s your life going at the moment? If you were stuck in a rut, do you think you’d be able to tell? If you could tell, and realised that you were, would you know how to turn things around? It’s harder than you might think, but there are some crucial signs that can help you find out whether your life needs a kickstart, and there’s also steps you can take to get back on track.
Also read: Mentoring and Finding Purpose
For a start, how much time a day do you spend daydreaming? It’s normally to let your mind wander from time to time, but if you are spending hours thinking about getting away, it’s likely to be because you’re genuinely not happy in your life. So you may need to try and liven things up by introducing a bit of spontaneity into it.
As well as daydreaming, you might find yourself only looking forward to doing some actual dreaming whilst asleep. If the highlight of your day is the hours you spend sleeping, you clearly need to start finding the excitement and beauty in the small things at home or in the wider world, to give yourself more little things to enjoy.
It’s easy to feel stuck in a rut in the modern world, when we all have social media channels full of our friends and colleagues posting all the details of their seemingly perfect lives for us to enjoy or envy. If you’re finding yourself feeling much more of the latter, you should shift the focus in your life back to yourself by giving yourself little treats.
Social media has a powerful impact on our lives and it’s very easy to feel like we aren’t achieving enough when comparing ourselves to others, especially when there are to-do lists piling up. So stop trying to achieve perfection and recognize when you have tried your best, cutting yourself a break when you need it.
These tips for checking up on your happiness come from this infographic from NetCredit, and there’s lots more to be found here, as well as more suggestions for getting yourself out of that rut.
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