When it comes to the workplace, is there equality or diversity at the top? This has been a question that has been debated for many years now and yet still the answer is no there is not. In actual fact, if you were to guess how many women of the 600 companies in the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 are being led by women today, would you know what the answer is? Well, take your guess here by clicking the icon to reveal the answer.
In the study completed by Towergate Insurance it is sad to see that women are still badly affected at the top, issues of gender pay still have a huge gap but there are many other factors contributing to the inequality issues that arise at the top.
As well as earning capacity, some of the factors that keep arising are age between men and women, opting for family planning, stress of workload, higher employee standards and personal traits. How can these factors be improved and are perceptions changing? Because there needs to be an equal levelling, there needs to be a significant change, more than ever before.
In a more diverse and equal workforce businesses can offer a wider range of ideas, resources, skills, heading to the top of business is not just for the men of our world, women have the ability, skills and rights just as much as men do to reach the top.
There is a long way to go it seems, in bridging the gap but take a look at the graphic below to explore where we currently stand with inequality at the top and think about the ways in which we can move forward to a more positive solution for all involved and affected by this constant issue. With further awareness, change is possible!
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