Mentoring and Employee Morale

The holiday season is behind us and with that comes reflection on all the good times with family and friends. Our reflection may have included memories of a dear family member or friend flash into our minds and we sometimes struggle with how to deal with the prolonged grief. We ask ourselves why we are unable to move on. For me it was all about doing things that help me to remember and celebrate the good times we had together especially at this time of the year.

I want to talk about the aspect of stress and depression which can and does become more prevalent during this time of the year. Let’s talk about stress first. I have worked long and hard at the concept of there not being stress in my life as I have taught myself to deal with the situation that I am confronting rather than allowing it to control me. I have found that this works well and have shared the concept/process with those that I am mentoring.

If we understand who we are and how we deal with things recognizing that we have control over our body and its reaction to situation there will be no stress. If we adopt this in our professional lives we would see an increase in productivity and employee morale.

Employees would be better equipped to deal with various situations and that can assist in creating a workplace environment that is highly productive and a place that employees want to come to work at. It does take work and the mentoring process can help with that journey.

The holiday season can create an opportunity for people to become depressed. This time of the year can also heighten the feelings that some may have due to a prolonged battle with depression. There are a number of things that can drive this and some that we will never have the answers to.

Employees that are fighting the battle of depression are in need of added support at any time but more importantly at this time of the year. I am aware of organizations that are not sure of how to deal with depression in the workplace at the leadership level and this transcends down through the organization.

It can create a lot of negativity in the workplace and a lack of support and empathy for employees that are fighting this battle. In these organizations employee morale is low and productivity is also suffering. The organization is not one that new employees would want to work at.

The holiday season is a time where we need to be celebrating with co-workers, leaders, family and friends. It is a time to celebrate all that we have to be thankful. It is a time to take that extra moment to demonstrate some empathy with those that are reaching out in their own way. It is a time to share the “gift of mentoring” with those that we spend time with. It is a time to listen and hear just that little bit more so that we can be there when the time is right.

Whether you celebrated this holiday season or not my message to you is that it is a time to give thanks and to celebrate all that we have to be thankful for.

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