[Updated 2024] Can the tech industry solve the employee tenure problem?

Most tech companies don’t perceive employee tenure to be a problem yet. The industry is booming and jobs in this sector keep multiplying by the minute. The downside to all this, however, is that

Problems with Telecommuting: Why You Shouldn’t Hurry to Create a Remote Workforce

The many benefits of a remote workforce might seem highly appealing, but you should never forget that there are also some major difficulties with telecommuting. When you weigh up the options it is clear

2022-12-21T07:43:38+00:00By |Company culture|

Do you know what your company culture is? #CultureCode

SlideShare’s #CultureCode campaign revealed a series of great company cultures expressed through visually inspiring documents. This open invitation spurred more and more replies as different cultures and values opened a serious discussion on the

The downfall of your business: “No, I would not recommend this company to a friend”

While browsing through some Glassdoor reviews, I found a lot of dissatisfied employees who seemed to balance pros and cons for the company they worked for but would ultimately refuse to recommend that company

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