In any company, managers will owe their employees three things: The tools they need to succeed, an environment that bolsters and reinforces their confidence, and trust that they’ll do good work on time.
Oh, but that last item is a sticking point for so many managers. All too often, especially in the United States, we see examples of managers re-doing their team members’ work, taking on more than their share of responsibilities, and micromanaging everyone else because they feel they’re the only person on the team who can get things done.
This is self-defeating for two reasons. First, managers who do less, get out of their team’s way, and simply facilitate operations are far more effective.
Second, managers who spend so much time fretting over the minutiae of their team’s work don’t take vacation days — not many of them, anyway. As research from teamfocus shows, the more senior someone’s position, the less likely it is he or she will actually take a vacation.
That’s a quick recipe for burnout as well as under-performance, ironically enough.
That’s why teamfocus has put together this infographic below, to show managers how they can build and empower a trustworthy team, let go a little bit, and make time for a relaxing vacation – this is the manager’s guide to letting go:
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