Why Do We Need People With No Common Sense?

Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is shared by (“common to”) nearly all people and can reasonably be expected of nearly all people without any need for debate.

If organizations are to successfully meet the economic and competitive challenges of contemporary markets, they require people who DON’T rely on “the common sense” to guide them.

Individuals who don’t “… perceive, understand and judge things … ” like everyone else.

Employees who don’t look through a lens shared with the crowd to problem solve and innovate; who don’t expect a shared solution to miraculously cure their specific ills and enable them to gain a strategic advantage over their competitors.

The application of common sense in this way isn’t helpful.

How does applying what is commonly held as fact “… without any need for debate” stimulate innovation and creativity?

How does it help build a culture that challenges the status quo and is curious to try new ways of doing things?

An important issue in organizations today is the reliance on “best practices” to make a strategic change.

Strategic success does not come from applying a cookie-cutter approach where a best practice is transposed from one organizational context to another.

Also read: How To Create A Culture Of Successful People – It’s Magic

It might come close to improving work processes and operating systems of the copycat, but it does so for every other organization trying to make them their own.

Everyone clusters together; no operational advantage for any member of the herd is conferred.

And the strategic advantage is gained by no one.

Common sense is herd mentality; it represents the lowest common denominator thinking.

It is a safe haven for those who believe there is safety in numbers; that to do what everyone else does offers a “comfort blanket” for protection.

After all, if 100 other organizations incorporated this system, it must be the best approach, right?

We don’t need copycats.

Also read: Do You Have A Copycat Culture? 

We need individuals who OBSERVE the common sense but are not compliant with it.

Who view a best practice as a benchmark to deviate from by adding their own twist to it.

A culture that is driven to discover uncommon sense to provide their organization with unique solutions that the crowd hasn’t discovered.

Who can see opportunity in differences rather than similarities?

Who change the conversation in their organizations from “Who is best in class and how can we copy them?” to “How can we be unique and go in a different direction?”

Who encourage debate over common principles and accepted dogma.

Who encourage their teams to cast off the common and look for a contrarian approach.

Common sense is a questionable concept; it will not prepare organizations to be unique and special in our crazy competitive world.

It will continue to propagate sameness and mediocrity.

And organizations will die.

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Image via Pexels.com