Employee Feedback To Manager: How to Get Honest Feedback From Colleagues

In any workplace, feedback is critical. Although we typically think of managers providing feedback to their employees, employee feedback to managers is just as valuable. Feedback helps both managers and employees to identify areas

How to Nurture a Feeling of Loyalty from Your Gen Z Employees in 2021

Human resources department staffers who've seen many social changes may think that they're jaded and unable to connect with members of a different generation. Considering just how flexible many Gen Z employees have proven

Post-pandemic Company Culture: 5 Things To Start Implementing This Year

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a series of abrupt changes into our lives. From the way we shop for groceries to the way we work, everything changes almost overnight, which is why many individuals and

How can inadequate Personal protective equipment (PPE) impact your employees and your business?

Personal protective equipment (PPE) might feel like quite a new term for most people, but PPE is simply any equipment that a keeps people safe from harm. Most commonly, it refers to specific items

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