About Ryan Ayers

Ryan Ayers is a strategy and management consultant with over five years of experience in multiple industries including information technology, medical devices and logistics. Many clients call him the BizTech Guru. He is a freelance writer on the side and lover of all things related to business, technology, innovation and the LA Clippers.

Boosting Retention Rates: The Importance of a Safe and Motivating Work Environment

There is an important balance that employers need to maintain when running a business: productivity and purpose. While many people that are the progenitors of an idea for a company that become the owners and

2023-06-05T10:07:37+00:00By |Employee turnover|

The Importance of Developing and Engaging Employees with Consistent Events

Employee engagement is always an ongoing challenge. People are happier, more productive, and more invested in their work when they feel engaged, which helps businesses become more successful overall. Unfortunately, only about 36% of

2023-01-19T18:47:31+00:00By |Employee engagement|

How Can HR Management Improve Employee Retention to Avoid Unemployment

More than three-fourths of employees who leave their jobs could have been retained if their employer had made the right efforts. It’s a startling statistic, especially when one considers the high cost of turnover.

2023-01-13T18:17:33+00:00By |Employee turnover|

How HR Managers Can Play a Role in Preventing Employee Burnout Before It Happens

You can tell when workers are burnt out by the looks on their faces and the way they carry themselves. They show signs of exhaustion and have trouble performing at their optimal levels, losing

2022-12-21T16:34:46+00:00By |Talent Management|
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