It’s been a crazy week, time has just flown by, but we’ve managed to keep an eye out for great articles to share with you today and we also have an exciting piece of news, which is that the Hppy will now be featured on Human Resources Today!
If you haven’t had the chance to explore Human Resources Today, it’s an industry website with all the best content in HR and business, brought to you by a selection of publishers, vendors and bloggers.
Onto the great articles of this week:
Hello, Millennial? It’s Me, The Company Trying To Hire You
A great piece published on Forbes by Ryan Scott, the article talks about building an employer brand that can attract Millennials effectively.
We’ve also recently shared 7 Ideas to Build An Engaging Employer Brand, so it’s great to see more insights and data about the subject, especially since the article starts with a focus company values and vision which is also one of our recommendations for smart employer branding.
Preparing ourselves for the era of the boundless office
More on the future of work, but this time from a workplace design perspective. Kelvin Bromley, Managing Director for Connection talks about the modern workplace, that now consists of a wide range of physical, virtual and cultural spaces of which the office is just one of the more important.
The article is a preview for a report into this emerging world of work set to launch next week.
Make Training More Impactful With Peer-Based Learning
An eye-opening article for HR managers looking to improve their learning and development programs, focused on peer-based learning.
The article offers 5 creative ways to get employees together for a learning session and to encourage knowledge sharing.
Want to be become a talent magnet? Become a teacher-leader first
Ending with another article on learning, this time we’re focusing on leaders and how to develop their teaching skills to attract and develop top talent.
The author brings forward the teacher-leader model, designed to energize and inspire employees to give their best performance.
Join us next week as we share more of our favorite articles. We’d also love to know what articles made your week and what topics you’d like us to talk about next week so comment away.
Happy weekend!
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