Happiness at work drives business objectives. Research shows that happy employees are more profitable, more customer-oriented and more productive. They also stand less chances of leaving that company. That’s why some companies have made happiness at work a way of doing business.
According to The Conference Board, Human Capital and Operational Excellence rank first in the Top Global Challenges in 2013. Retaining and rewarding the best employees is a major concern for more than half of HR professionals, along with the development of the next generation of corporate leaders.
Employee turnover and employee motivation have an immense impact on revenues, on company culture and on its talent competitiveness in the marketplace. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small company who just started to build a reputation or if you’re a top 40 company, your Human Capital is your biggest challenge in the upcoming years. It can make you or break you.
In this white paper we examine a very popular yet sometimes controversial subject: Happiness At Work. We’ll talk about some of the latest HR trends, about employee engagement and how you can increase workplace happiness in 2014.
Content Summary
1. Executive summary
2. Latest HR Issues
3. The challenges of employee engagement
4. How is the new HR world resolving these problems?
5. Is employee happiness interesting?
6. The case for employee happiness
7. Conclusions
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