Newsweaver just published a great infographic called ‘The Workplace App Explosion, Emerging Trends in Internal Communications’ which gives an overview of the rise in mobile for business and the two areas that are the most prevalent in the mobile workplace – Bring You Own Apps (BYOA) and Enterprise Apps. Here are some quick stats before we dive into it:

  • 41% of employees do not believe that the tools their company provides actually meets their needs which is why they choose to ‘go rogue’;
  • 3 in 4 IT teams within an organization acknowledge that they are delivering outdated enterprise tools;
  • Companies who want to retain more control of mobile adoption choose to implement enterprise apps which boost work productivity by over 34%;
  • 46% of IT departments are not confident in their own mobile security systems effectiveness to protect company data.

Now let’s take a look at the actual infographic:

The Workplace App Explosion, Emerging Trends in Internal Communications - Bring Your Own App Vs. Enterprise Apps Infographic