The rules for employee engagement may differ from industry to industry, but they’re based on the same essential principles. By taking a look at the top industries in employee engagement, you’ll notice that they share a common strategy: valuing employees.
Top industries in Employee Engagement
In their 2013 Employee Engagement Trends Report, Quantum Workplace ranked the most engaged industries, as well as the lowest engaged industries. The top 10 industries that focus on employee engagement in the last years are:
- Real Estate
- Accommodation
- Food Services
- Construction
- Technology
- Professional Services
- Other Services
- Finance and Insurance
- Wholesale Trade
- Retail
The top 3 performing industries had an average of 74.6 % engaged employees. The survey identified the top 5 Engagement Drivers leading to such high percentages. Out of those, 4 were based on a strong, transparent and caring leadership body. The fifth was the belief that the organization will be successful in the future.
Hay Group also performed a 2013 Employee Engagement Survey. The results for Real Estate and Facilities Managements identified a percentage of 59 % companies with high employee engagement levels. They also had a high level of employee enablement (58%), respect and recognition (62%) and authority and empowerment (62%).
More and more reports identify Technology and especially IT as industries where engagement and satisfaction are much more valuable than earnings. Job satisfaction has become a top attraction and retention factor.
What industries are next?
According to the Quantum Workplace survey, these are:
- Arts and Entertainment
- Healthcare
- Nonprofit
- Education
- Manufacturing
- Utilities
- Public Administration
The 3 lowest performing industries had an average of 57.9 % engaged employees. This is the percentage of hostile employees per industry:
- Healthcare 4.4%
- Education 4.3%
- Construction 1.2%
- Real Estate 1.6%
- Professional Services 1.7%
- Wholesale Trade 1.8%
Source: Quantum Workplace- 2013 Employee Engagement Trends Report
What industry do you work in? How would you describe its level of Employee Engagement?
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